On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 01:25:26AM +0200, Marco Ahrendt wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 12:36:27PM -0700, Chris S. wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'm sending some PGP e-mails to a user on MS Outlook.  When they get the
> > message (this happens for me too) Outlook only shows two attachments.  One
> > .asc file which is empty, and an .ATT file which has the encrypted message.
> > Is this a "feature" of Outlook or is this something Mutt is doing?  If I
> > send to another Mutt user, it looks fine.

Another option is to send your message cleartext, but ASCII armor it
before saving it. The way I do this is when using VIM to edit the
email I then use this commandline:
:%!gpg -esa

This will then prompt you for a key userid and return with an ASCII
armored version of your message. Then all you have to do is send it
as a normal clear message.

David Rock

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