* Chris Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010731 14:17]:
> on Tue,31 Jul 2001, Dumas Patrice wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I use procmail to filtrate my mails, but they are not correctly displayed. They
> > are viewed concatenated by mutt in a single big mail.
> This means the first 'From' line in your header is missing (ie From
> without the colon) - in which case all your mail will appear
> concatenated to mutt. As Hanif implied, your procmailrc filtering
> must be broken...
Or invoked incorrectly. If you are using fetchmail or another program
which passes mail to a delivery program, you must use something like
this: 'procmail -Yf-' to generate the From_ line.
- Matt Dunford <> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ..
-. www.zotikos.com -- o,;-
Misfortune seldom intrudes upon the wise man; his greatest and
highest interests are directed by reason throughout the course of
-- Epicurus