It's been years since I've posted here ... Hello again. :-)
I've recently hacked mutt 1.2.5i into viewing/sending Japanese text
emails entirely with hooks/mailcap/etc (no changes to the mutt
source), but I've got a little problem.
I try to edit the charset to be iso-2022-jp just before sending the
mail, but the change does not seem to stick. Apparently mutt is
running a sanity check over my mail just before sending it, and it
changes the character set back to iso-8859-1. This is obviously
undesirable behavior in my case.
See for a
reasonably detailed description of what I am doing to try to achieve
How can I suppress this behavior?
If I've told you once, I've told you once
And once is all that you needed.
-- The Refreshments, "Carefree"
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