On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Nelson D. Guerrero wrote:
> I've been wanting, for a long time now, to view in my browser
> only the folders I have specified in my muttrc like when you
> run mutt with -y or like when you press <TAB>.
That's the function of the mailbox screen, which is already
there. Do you want to tear out the browser?
> I was looking into browser.c and started editting (without
> having any knowledge whatsoever in c) to see if I could in
> fact put it that way.
While you are hacking away, try to make the mailbox screen
hierarchical like the Unix directory structure is. That is, can
you make it so you have one set of mailboxes in one screen and
another set in another screen? ;-) If these mailboxes have to be in
different directories that is OK.
I have 125 students and I have one mailbox for each of their
individual lists of their mail their penpals, and another for the
error messages from each of these lists. I think there are more I
can't remember at the moment. They are also in class groups with
different maillists. That makes more than 300 mailboxes. I don't
want to work with limits in the index screen. But there are too
many mailboxes for the mailbox screen!
At the moment I have wrappers around mutt that rewrite the .muttrc
mailboxes line for each of these three groups of mailbox, as well
as writing macros to work through the mailbox screen. And I open
three separate instances of mutt.
But the amount of perl I learned doing this was phenomenal. And
they are still difficult to use. What I want is to have a key
like change folders in the index screen. You can use this to
change from one mailfolder to another. But instead what I want to
do is change mailbox screens. I then can move around in a
separate set of mailboxes.
Think what it would be like without directories in Unix.
Everything would be all messed up. Or think about having all of
your mail in one folder. The single mailbox screen has the same
problem. The 3-deep hierarchy of mutt is too limiting.
Three levels of Unix directories would not be enough. The
3-level mailbox-index-pager classification also needs to be
extended at the top end.
Greg Matheson Learn a third language and
Chinmin College, be born again, again.