Hi Mutters,
I have a problem when resending a message via "resend-message":
When I also specify a Bcc-address the message doesn't get sent
but sendmail puts it into /var/spool/mqueue-client and there it
stays forever and ever.
At first this sounded like a sendmail problem to me, but it works perfectly
when I leave the Bcc line empty. So maybe it's a combination of both?
Ah, wait! I just experimented a bit more and found that this option seems
to trigger it:
set dsn_notify="failure,delay"
After removing this line from .muttrc it works as it should.
I am using sendmail version: 8.11.3+8.12.0.Beta7-8 (from Debian)
Any clues?
PS: While at it: after resend-message mutt leaves the Fcc line empty.
How can I change that?
Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
URL: http://spiegl.de, http://radiomaranon.org.pe
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