I noticed I hadn't been seeing my (zsh) shell's "You have new mail" notification
for awhile, so I sent myself a few mails from another ISP account and discovered
that mail notification is definitely not happening.

But it does work if I *edit an existing message* in my inbox.  (since, In mutt,
if you edit a message, it's marked for deletion and a new one is created.)
I can close vim, quit mutt, and the "You have new mail" message appears
below the shell prompt.  (Or I can close vim & switch to another terminal
where the shell prompt is displayed, press RETURN and then see the new mail

init file settings:
biff n
mesg y
export MAILPATH=~/.mailspool/rj/
export MAILCHECK=5

I use maildirs, and this may be the key to the problem. I tried setting:

export MAILPATH=~/.mailspool/rj/new/

since the zsh manpage has this:

       mailpath <S> <Z> (MAILPATH <S>)
              An array (colon-separated  list)  of  filenames  to
              check  for new mail.  [...]  If  an element is a directory
              instead of a file the shell will recursively  check  every
              file in every subdirectory of the element.

but that made no change.  All clues appreciated.

                               // [EMAIL PROTECTED] //

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