On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > text/html; links %s; needsterminal; nametemplate=%s.html > in /etc/termcap works just fine for me. In termcap? Are you sure? -- Regards, Juha --------------------------------------------- Dick Cheney: SOMEONE SET UP US THE WORM! George Bush: MAIN SCREEN TURN ON! George Bush: IT'S YOU!! Li Peng: YOU HAVE NO CHANCE TO SURVIVE MAKE YOUR TIME. Li Peng: HAHAHAHAHA
- Re: mutt and HTML Alexander Skwar
- RE: mutt and HTML Juha Saarinen
- Re: mutt and HTML Alexander Skwar
- Re: mutt and HTML Thomas Dickey
- Re: mutt and HTML Alexander Skwar
- Re: mutt and HTML Thomas E. Dickey
- Re: mutt and HTML Alexander Skwar
- Re: mutt and HTML Alexander Skwar
- RE: mutt and HTML Juha Saarinen
- Re: mutt and HTML teo
- Re: mutt and HTML Juha Saarinen
- Re: mutt and HTML Thomas E. Dickey
- Re: mutt and HTML Viraj Alankar
- Re: mutt and HTML Gary Johnson