
I already posted this some time back, but since nobody answered, and
since I'd like to get an answer, I repost it.

I'm using the mutt 1.3.19i RPM made by Mandrake.  When I reply to a
mail, the mail is attributed like this:

| So sprach Some1 am Sat, May 26, 2001 at 05:37:09PM -0500:

This is because I've got in my .muttrc:

        set attribution = "So sprach %n am %d:"

When I also have

        set   locale=de_DE

in my .muttrc, the locale-correct day and month names are used.  Now I
wonder why mutt ignores my locale settings.  They are setup like this:

 LANG:          de
 LANGUAGE:      de_DE:de
 LC_CTYPE:      de_DE
 LC_TIME:       de_DE

This also happens with %x.  With 'set locale=de_DE' in my .muttrc, it
prints "17.07.2001" which is the correct date format for my locale.
However, if I remove %x, it prints "07/17/01" which is wrong.

Could someone please tell me why I still need to add 'set locale=de_DE'
to get the correct locale date values?

Thanks a lot,

Alexander Skwar
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