Matteo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using mutt 1.2.5 on FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE box.
> Today I've mounted /var partition with options "noatime". I
> rebooted, but later mutt doesn't work. Each time that I exit
> from a Mailbox and press TAB+TAB to check for new messages,
> mutt notifies that there are new messages in mailboxes that
> I've check before. Then I enter in one of this mailboxes, but
> there aren't new mex.
> I've remounted /var without "noatime" and mutt works fine...
As I understand it, Mutt detects new mail by comparing the
mailbox's last modification time to the last access time. If you
mount the partition with "noatime", you've eliminated the access
time, so how can you expect Mutt to detect new mail properly?
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