Hi, You can use something like procmail to do this visit www.procmail.org for FAQs on how to go about it or visit http://symonds.net/~pradeep/linux.htm this is how i did learn how to filter my messages. Reg, - Pradeep. On Mon, 16 Jul 2001, Lukasz Zamel wrote: > Hello, > is it possible to configure Mutt to automatically sort incoming mail? Something like >Sorting Office. Maybe it's explained some ware already. > -- > Lukasz Zamel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Reg. Linux User: #202048 >
- mail sorting Lukasz Zamel
- Re: mail sorting Christoph Maurer
- Re: mail sorting Pradeep
- Re: mail sorting Suresh Ramasubramanian
- Re: mail sorting Lukasz Zamel
- Re: mail sorting John P. Verel
- Re: mail sorting David
- Re: mail sorting Jeff Coppock