On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 08:31:44PM +0200, Magnus Bodin wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 07:51:18PM -0500, Tim Legant wrote:
> > Procmail is severely broken in its creation of file names for maildirs.
> > If procmail correctly followed the specification for maildirs,
> > duplicates would be impossible.
> No it's not.

Yes it is.

> > http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html
> "A unique name can be anything that doesn't contain a colon (or slash) and
> doesn't start with a dot."

You really should quote the context. What you quoted is the simple,
non-technical explanation for those who are *not* writing software to
write messages into maildirs.

If you contine reading (the very next paragraph, really!), you'll get
the official definition for people who actually are coding maildir

  "Okay, so you're writing messages. A unique name has three pieces,
  separated by dots. On the left is the result of time(). On the right is
  the result of gethostname(). In the middle is something that doesn't
  repeat within one second on a single host. I fork a new process for each
  delivery, so I just use the process ID. If you're delivering several
  messages from one process, use starttime.pid_count.host, where starttime
  is the time that your process started, and count is the number of
  messages you've delivered. If your system provides a sequence number
  syscall, use that instead of the pid, preceded by #."

Note the requirement to use the hostname. Note that procmail doesn't.

Procmail is broken.


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