
That sounds like exactly what i'm looking for.  If I understand you correctly this 
will copy all messages into $MAILDIR/Archives/`date whatever`, and also allows it to 
pass through the remainder of my procmail rules for a match?  I could also modify the 
rule to copy messages to $MAILDIR/Archives/mutt-users-YYYY-MM, which would be exactly 
what I'm looking for.  Thanks.


* Mark Ferlatte ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I use a procmail rule for that:
> :0 c :
> $MAILDIR/Archive/`date +%Y-%m`
> Which copies all incoming mail into a YYYY-DD mbox format mailbox, and
> then lets the message continue through any other rules that I have. 
> Works For Me (tm).
> M
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 08:34:26AM -0600, dan radom wrote:
> > I've got several mbox format mailboxes I want to archive monthly.  I've come up 
>with the following shell script to run from cron, but I'm not sure there isn't a 
>better way to go about this.  Here's the script..
> > 
> >     #!/bin/sh
> >     maildir=/home/graffix/mail
> >     for x in $maildir/lug $maildir/support $maildir/mutt-users $maildir/procmail
> >         do tar czfp $x-`date '+%m-%Y'`.tar.gz $x ; cp /dev/null $x
> >     done
> > 
> > 
> > My main concern is that mutt might be in the process of writing to a mbox when 
>cron fires off the script.  I'm guessing that could create some problems and possibly 
>even lost email.  Anyone have a better suggestion?
> > 
> > Dan

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