On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 10:58:43AM -0400, darren chamberlain wrote:
> Justin R. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 07/13/2001:
> > What about searching?
> What I like most about mbox, and the main reason I haven't moved
> to Maildir, is the searchability of a single file. Yes, I know
> you can use grep -r, and most indexers will index multiple files,
> but you get filenames like ~/Mail/mutt-users/new/57834896890 or
> whatever Maildir uses to name its files.
Of course you can do some level of searching directly through mutt. I
don't remember searches taking that much longer under Maildirs, but I
honestly didn't do much in the way of comparison. It was the long
delay in first opening the folder that drove me to convert the big
folders back to mbox.
Maildirs have some neat advantages of their own. For example it's
very easy to merge two folders together. I send mail from my laptop,
my desktop, and a shell account at my ISP. I end up with sent folders
on all three places, but all my received mail is on my desktop. Since
Maildir stores each message in its own file, and since the filename
contains the hostname, I'm guaranteed to not have any name collisions.
All I have to do is periodically scp or rsync everything in
~/Mail/sent/cur on my laptop and ISP to ~/Mail/sent/cur on my desktop,
and suddenly everything is in one place.
> Though, to bring it back to vfolders (remember vfolders?), it
> would be nice to able to say something like SELECT Subject FROM
> MAIL WHERE From LIKE "%mom%" ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT 1 and get
> the latest message from my mom...
You'd find that easier that "/~f Mom"?
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