* Ailbhe Leamy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On (11/07/01 16:20), Drew Raines wrote:
> > * Ailbhe Leamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > > > Utilize the magical <Tab> key.
> > >
> > > My only real problem with this is that I want it to display only
> > > those mailboxes which actually contain new mail.
> >
> > You're allowed to press it more than once.
> OK, I press it twice and get...
> List of all folders and files in Mail directory
> <tab>
> List of all mailboxes listed with "mailboxes"
> <tab>
> List of all folders and files in Mail directory
> What should I be getting?

Beats me, I get the same thing.

if I hit c<tab> I get a listing of a single mailbox (the next w/ new
messages, then it goes into the cycle you describe above. c?<tab> puts
me directly in that cycle.

maybe this is a 1.3 thing?


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