Whenever I try to read a mail that has the Content-Type header in
uppercases, mutt complains about unsupported mime-type and forces me to
press v and select the part from the list.
I investigated further and found that this only happens when the mime-type
has "I" in it. My locale (specifically, LC_CTYPE is "tr_TR.iso-8859-9") is
set to turkish. And in turkish (iso-8859-9 or latin5), the lowercase
equivalent of I is ı (dotless i with my font). Therefore, when "PLAIN" is
encountered, it is translated to "plaın", which is meaningless to mutt.
Mutt reads mails with strange types, ie. "TeXt/PLAiN", without problems as
long as those chars' lowercase equivalents are the same in iso-8859-1 and
Setting LC_ALL to "C", I was able to read those mails without this problem.
However, I lose the language specific chars with this approach.
I think the best solution would be using a fixed table (iso-8859-1) to
translate mime-types to lowercase, as all mime-types are in iso-8859-1
character set.
Alper Ersoy