This may be a very dumb question but for the life of me I cannot
figure it out. I am trying to do text formatting when sending mails via mutt
via vim. For some reason, 'gqap' does not do anything for me. I can only do
'{gq}'. I call VIM from mutt with:
set editor="vi -u ~/.muttvimrc"
And .muttvimrc looks like:
nmap <C-J> {gq}
set textwidth=78
set comments=n:>
set expandtab
When I use 'gqap' instead of '{gq}', control-j doesn't do anything.
Also within the editor 'gqap' seems to do nothing. I can't even use commands
like 'cap'. It's like the 'ap' is not working. Is there any reason why this
could be happening or am I doing somethin wrong?
My other question is on formatting comments. If I have a comment like
> dasji asjdioj daso djaiosdj djaso ijdasio jdasioj dioasjd asodij dasiodj
and then add some text and do a '{gq}' (or ctrl-j), I get:
> dasji dsa das das dasd asd ads dasasjdioj daso djaiosdj djaso ijdasio
jdasioj dioasjd asodij dasiodj
I instead would like to have the second line commented also. Is this possible?
I am using the vim that comes with Redhat 6.1.
Some other questions more related to mutt:
1. Sometimes I CC quite a few people and before mailing the message mutt shows
only one line for CC and chops off any addresses that don't fit. Is there any
way to expand this to more than 1 line?
2. I receive mail as different addresses. For example, say I receive mail at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] When I reply to this message, I would like my From: to
be [EMAIL PROTECTED] Likewise for other addresses. Is there an easy way to
do this?
3. When viewing a message in the pager and deleting it, mutt goes to the next
message, be it new or not. Is there a way to make it only go to new messages
after a message is deleted?
4. How can I apply a specific sorting method to one folder only. For example,
if I want my sent mail folder to sort by date-received, but all other folders
to use thread. I know about the folder-hook, but how do I revert to the old
sort method when going to another folder?
5. Where is the proper place to get the development version of mutt? I notice
on the FTP site there is the snapshots directory and devel. Which one should
be downloaded?
Thanks for any help.