On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 05:39:29AM -0700, David T-G wrote:
> specifically (yes, it's a really good time to be able to say
> set BASE_REGEXP='^((blah blah ...'
> folder-hook linux set reply_regexp "\[linux\] $BASE_REGEXP"
> folder-hook other set reply_regexp "\[OtherList\] $BASE_REGEXP"
> or some such; perhaps you could get that with an m4 preprocessing to
> generate your .muttrc for you until the muttrc scripting language becomes
> a reality -- unless I've missed that announcement in my long absence :-)
List-subjects should be fixed at the mailinglist manager level.
I've written such a subject-anti-mutation-script for use with ezmlm.
Mail me for source.