Meaning: messages in some mailbox
TUVM, with your post in hand and by RTFM I was quickly able to work my way
through a long list of messages, either deleting or copying to a folder
based on
From, Subject, and text in the body
...and then David Turetsky said...
% I would like to be able to invoke a process to delete multiple incoming
Now, by "incoming" do you mean "before they get into my mail spool",
which would be best handled by procmail or something of that ilk, or do
you simply mean "messages in some mailbox"?
% posts based on either the sender or subject. I see something in the
% documentation about ^T and ~e but neither seem to be operable with my
% current setup
% What do I have to do to have such a feature functional?
You could just tag based on a pattern. A key sequence like
T~F baduser\n
to tag everything from baduser followed up by a simple
to delete all tagged messages should work for one of your cases.