On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 10:41:10AM -0400, Rich Lafferty wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 11:34:20PM +0200, Jesper Holmberg 
> > Suresh: thanks, vt100 seems to work the best. I haven't figured out
> > how to get color out of an xterm under Solaris anyway, so the black
> > and white means to loss of quality.
> Purge your Solaris box of its ancient xterm! I've had luck with rxvt,

id agree, the xterm with solaris is probably a hold over from way back when.

> although if you're a real purist, the xterm-color atftp.x.org:/contrib 
> should work too. (And don't even think about dtterm or cmdtool.)

i have no experience with cmdtool, but dtterm does color fine.  what dont you like 
about it?

>   -Rich
> -- 
> Rich Lafferty --------------+-----------------------------------------------
>  Montreal, Quebec, Canada   |  "Do not dangle the mouse by the cord or
>  http://www.lafferty.ca/    |   throw it at coworkers."  -- SGI Indy manual
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------+-----------------------------------------------


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