Am 2001-07-04 schrieb Suresh Ramasubramanian: 
> characters, and within 4 lines length (and perhaps lose the disclaimer, if
> possible?)

Sorry, Suresh,

I did that after being spammed when writing to german lists,
so I think I'd better leave the first two lines untouched when writing to
mailinglists and any other public locations.
I'll try to remember to erease the last six (7 ;-) ), when writing to lists,
but mostly I forget it.
Some day I'll split it up into a private and a public .sig and let do mutt
do it depending on the "To:" - it's with a send-hook, isn't it?

> gruesse,
>       --suresh

Thx, Georg

PS: length(.sig) = trimmed to 72 chars (this time manually, not in file)
    but what's the reason for this?
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   /   /            /                  Georg Herberg                    
  /___/ ___   ___  /__  ___  ___  ___  Marinesiedlung 10b, 29348 Eschede
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