Someone was asking about this a few days ago.. I deleted the email, but
went to the list archives and found it.
> However, it could also be useful to select an URL in the message
> body and just bookmark it for later viewing, or print it using the
> printing capabilities of the browser. I am thinking to some
> macros that would use the "netscape remote control capabilities"
> explained in:
> http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/x-remote.html
> or (much more elegant and resource saving) some of the Perl modules
> available for playing with Netscape bookmarks.
Anyway, I saw a perl script that does what the person seemed to be
asking for: http://www.leonid.maks.net/mail/bin/logurls.pl
Here is the author's description of it:
~/bin/logurls.pl - I wrote this script to use with
Procmail to save all URLs from my incoming mail into
a separate file.
Hope this helps,
Tim Condit | When you hear the toilet flush
Det-NCC, Global Crossing | and the words "Uh-oh,"
800-414-5028 | it's already too late.