Marco Fioretti wrote:
> I have been happily using Mutt 1.0.1i (2000-01-18) on RH 6.2.
> Everything was fine until this morning, when I decided to
> put all the messages from two lists in two new separate
> mailboxes,.
> I set up procmail to do it, and that part works perfectly.
> Mutt however, doesn't tell me that there is new mail in THOSE
> new mailboxes.
> More specifically, I changed muttrc from:
> mailboxes ! =IN.list1 =IN.list2 =IN.list3 =IN.list4 =IN.list5
> to:
> mailboxes ! =IN.list1 =IN.list2 =IN.list3 =IN.list4 =IN.list5 =IN.list6 = IN.list7
> In other words, procmail puts all the right new messages in IN.list6 and
> IN.list7, but mutt doesn't signal any new messages in them. Previous
> mailboxes (list1 to list5) still work OK, though.
> Is there anything like a maximum line length allowed in muttrc
> or what?
I don't know about a line length limit, but you might want to use
something like this:
mailboxes ! `echo $HOME/Mail/IN*`
I use something similar and currently have 18 mailboxes declared
without problems.
Good luck!
-- Mr. Wade
Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation