On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 04:35:11PM -0400, darren chamberlain decreed:
> Richard G. Ball ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect on 06/19/2001:
> > On Jun 20, 12:24am, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> > > Subject: Re: urlview in a new window
> > > Richard G. Ball [mutt-users] <19/06/01 12:56 -0400>:
> > > > Is there a way to have helpers like urlview open up a new terminal window
> > so
> > > > the message window can stay visible?
> > >
> > > Run it in an xterm and see ... (and call lynx as xterm -e lynx, for
> > example).
FWIW - I just hacked together a python script that could help. It
converts email text to html with hyperlinks. I fixed up my .muttrc to
invoke this script and feed my browser (opera, but it could be lynx or
whatever). I prefer seeing the entire context of the email in the
same browser I will see the ultimate web page.
Let me know if anyone would like the script posted. It's <70 lines,
but I hesitated to waste bandwidth if there's no interest.
Steve Cooper
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