* Dale Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010618 14:17]:
> I am going to start using gpg (again) and I can't remember how to
> export the key to a keyserver, could someone tell me where I can find
> it? currently I'm using the following command and getting nowhere:
> gpg --send-keys [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.MASTER.pgp.net.
> gpg: www.MASTER.pgp.net.: user not found: public key not found
> gpg: can't connect to `www.ch.pgp.net.': Connection refused
> thanks

I had the wrong syntax, I've got it working now..

Here's *what worked*:
gpg --send-keys [EMAIL PROTECTED] keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net

Now I just need to learn a little more about encryption...


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