On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 08:47:29AM -0700, Eugene Lee wrote:
> When I built ncurses-5.2, I set the installation prefix to /usr/local.
> The libraries are in /usr/local/lib, which I expect.  But the header
> files are grouped into a /usr/local/include/ncurses directory.  The
> configure script for mutt-1.2.5i can't figure this out --- or maybe I
> can't figure out how to set --with-curses=DIR.  Is there a nice way to
> this work?  Or is it time to hack the configure script?  Any suggestions
> are welcome!

The script should recognize this (I haven't looked recently, but thought
that mutt's configure script used chunks of script that I'd written to
encompass this).

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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