On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 12:31:30PM -0600, Troy Heber wrote:
> I'm running mutt 1.2.5i and I am experiencing a very strange problem.
> When I attempt to read messages from certain senders it takes minutes to
> display the message. For example if I press v on the message to see the
> attachments it comes up instantly. These are the attachments on one such
> message:
> I 1 <no description>          [text/plain, 7bit, iso-8859-1, 2.2K]   
> A 2 flu5xben_pentium4_01.xls  [applica/vnd.ms-exc, base64, 25K] 

Could it be that you have an auto_view setting for
'application/vnd.ms...' and mutt is trying to invoke the app for
viewing the attachment.

what you describe seems more related to the attachment then anything
to do with the headers...



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