On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 10:14:43AM -0400, Mr. Wade wrote:
> As I understand it:
> If the $strict_threads variable is set, threading will only be
> done according to the "In-Reply-To:" and "References:" headers.
> When $strict_threads is unset, (which it is by default,)
> threading will also be done according to the "Subject:" header.
> The "*>" type of thread tree indicators are to indicate that
> the message is a "pseudo thread" due to its subject, rather
> than an element of a strict thread due to the other headers.
> A message sorted into a thread that contains a "In-Reply-To:"
> and/or a "References:" header for the thread will have a "->"
> type of thread tree indicator.
> -- Mr. Wade
Okay, it's clearer for me now :)
Thanks for your help