What version of procmail are you using ?
I am using procmail-3.15, which is the only version that does not need to
be patched to use Maildir. Also make sure that it finds formail. Try
giving in the full path and see what procmail log file has to say about

amorphis:~$ grep LOG .procmailrc 
LOGFILE         = $HOME/.procmail.log

P.S. If you are using procmail-3.15 make sure you have / at the end of the
mailbox path, otherways it will make it mbox instead of Maildir

Here is my .procmailrc


On Fri 15 Jun 2001, Louis LeBlanc wrote:
> Hey, thanks for this, but I am having a problem with it.
> I entered the lines you gave exactly to my /etc/procmailrc, and I have
> reconfigured sendmail.cf to use procmail as the delivery agent.
> Unfortunately, I get the following:
> sendmail[2826]: BAA02824: BAA02826: DSN: Data format error
> If I remove the recipe you gave, I get no problem. Are these all
> spaces, or are there tabs within?
> Any ideas?  I appreciate any help.
> Lou
> On 05/30/01 09:17 AM, Igor Pruchanskiy sat at the `puter and typed:
> > add to your .procmailrc
> > 
> > :0 Bfh
> > * H ?? !^Lines:
> > * -1^0
> > *  1^1 ^.*$
> > | formail -A "Lines: $="
> > 
> -- 
> Louis LeBlanc
> Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
> http://acadia.ne.mediaone.net                ԿԬ

<?php $company = 'WebSideStory, Inc.'; $contact_info = array(
'addr1'=>'10182 Telesis Ct., 6th Floor','addr2'=>'San Diego, CA, 92121',
'p'=>'858.546.1182 x464','f'=>'858.546.0480','e'=>'[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
while(list($k,$v)=each($contact_info)) { echo "$v<br>\n"; } ?>

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