On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 08:20:40PM +0200, Johannes Breu wrote:

> I have no experience with mutt and hardly with Linux or Unix. How do I
> tell mutt to fetch the mail from the mail-server. Thanks, 
> Johannes

Here is what I either found in the mutt manual or in a sample .muttrc on the 
mutt site.

Put these lines in your .muttrc file and remove the leading #s in the set 

# Mutt can retrieve mail from your ISP
# I like fetchmail, so these aren't set in my config
# If you don't run fetchmail, you can set these
# set pop_host = mail.yourisp.com
# set pop_user = yourusername
# set pop_pass = yourpassword
# set pop_delete = yes

Phil "Linux: Viagra for the PC"
Naomi's Fancy: http://naomisfancy.virtualave.net/
My page: http://infoave.net/~philsexton/phil.html
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