On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 07:06:34AM -0400, darren chamberlain wrote:

> John Levon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect on 06/09/2001:
> > I wrote a little patch I find quite handy :
> > 
> > http://www.movement.uklinux.net/patches/mutt-reply.diff
> > 
> > # This tiny patch allows defaults for list-reply when there is
> > # no list address found. This means you can use list-reply in all
> > # contexts and have it Just Work. Possibly.
> > 
> > just in case anyone else finds it useful ;)
> > 
> > it also applies against 1.3.19 it seems ...
> It sounds interesting, but why would you need this? What does it
> do, i.e., what does it put as the To: line when there is no list
> found?  (It looks like it defaults to group-reply ('g'), but I
> don't know the rest of the Mutt code well enough to know for
> sure...)

It defaults to group-reply if you have the second boolean enabled (like I
do). The advantage of the patch (for me) is simply I can always
press just one key, and it always does the "right thing". If there's
a list, it will list reply, if not, it won't complain, but fall back
to what I would do in the absence of a list.


"Someone turn off the good idea tap; we're drowning here!"
        - Rusty Russell

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