Lorenzo Martignoni [mutt-users] <08/06/01 17:24 +0200>:
> Suresh Ramasubramanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You mean LC_CTYPE=it_IT right?
> >
> > -suresh
> I mean LANG=en_US, try it and see the accented characters.
Yeah, Lorenzo, you seem to be 'almost' right. I came across a debian Mutt doc in which
they suggest to put in profile
I'll have a go at it and let you know.
> LC_CTYPE gave me errors with perl (on my debian 2.3 testing) and so I've
> commented out from /etc/profile.
> lorenzo
> --
> L o r e n z o | Those who do not understand Unix are
> M a r t i g n o n i | condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
> | -- H. Spencer