I have been using mutt for quite a while just by ssh'ing into my main
server. Now I just got a laptop and I would like to be able to rsync my
inboxes from mainserver to laptop, and then be able to respond to email
from the laptop and then delay the sending of the messages while the
laptop isn't connected.

I'm willing to do this in exim if that's the "right place to do it", but
one of the requirements is that I be able to send mail when ever I'm
connected, even if it's not to the same ISP. (travel to strange places w/
strange networks) 

Anyone got any hints?


        Send mail with subject "send pgp key" for public key.
pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

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