On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 10:50:16AM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Biju Chacko [mutt-users] <29/05/01 10:45 +0530>: 
> > I have written  one that emulates the look-and-feel of mutt. It's a little
> > buggy, and not very featureful, but if anybody is interested I'll make it
> > available for download. Mail me offlist.
>  Put it up on sourceforge (or wherever) and post the url, please ..

I have put up the program at:


Please note: you will need Python 2.0 or higher to run the program. Comments
offlist please.



Biju Chacko        | [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)            
Exocore Consulting | [EMAIL PROTECTED] (play)
Bangalore, India   | http://www.exocore.com

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