I'm having a strange problem.  I've set the following
   index_format in my .muttrc:
## Index Format
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-18.18F (%4c) %s"
folder-hook =sent_apr2001 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-18.18t (%4c) %s"
folder-hook =sent_may2001 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-18.18t (%4c) %s"
folder-hook =sent_jun2001 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-18.18t (%4c) %s"

   These settings work as expected, however, when I enter into
   one of the sent_ folders, the index_format is changed
   appropriately and all is well.  When I change to another
   folder, such as my main inbox, the index_format does not
   change back to what's in the standard 'set' command above.  It
   retains the changed version for the sent_ folder.  Do I need
   to set a folder-hook format for every folder?

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