On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 09:40:34AM +0100, Steve Kennedy wrote:
> On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 05:42:43PM -0700, Carl Constantine wrote:
> > Quite frankly, I would like to run Gnome/Enlightenment instead of CDE and I
> > will be looking into how to do just that very soon.
> If you look on Sun's site, there is a link to a company that is
> doing the porting work for GNOME to Solaris. Last time I looked
> they hadn't quite got 1.4 packaged, but it was expected real soon
> now.

also, something i forgot to mention is that sun is "ditching" cde for gnome.  and some 
funky webdesk stuff, but thats another story.  im guessing at a release date of gnome 
2.0/solaris 9 timeframe.  heard their desktop group actually has ppl on the gnome 
team...also heard something about star office and open office getting together.

> Steve
> -- 
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