Hey all.  Just want to say I *really* like this mutt :)
I am running into a couple hurdles, but that is what the list is for,

Anyway, here is my current roadblock:
I have the following in ~/.muttrc

set folder={acadia.ne.mediaone.net}
set spoolfile="{acadia.ne.mediaone.net}INBOX
set imap_user="leblanc"
set hostname="acadia.ne.mediaone.net"

when I start mutt, it logs into the server ok, but then starts up with
"Mailbox does not exist"

In order to check messages, I have to change to the folder explicitly
(meaning c -> {acadia.ne.mediaone.net}INBOX)
How do I get mutt to start up with the Inbox folder?
Also, when I want to change to another folder, I have to do the same
full path change (c -> {acadia.ne.mediaone.net}INBOX.mutt), isn't
there a shortcut method?  What am I missing here?

One more minor thing.  When I delete a file, I would like to simply
move it to the Trash folder.  I know this isn't the defined imap
behavior, but I am kind of used to it.  How can that be done?

And last one (for this message, anyway), Notice my From: header.  I
had to add the @<servername> because mutt isn't doing it.  I can't
find where to do that in the manual.  Any pointers?

Thanks in advance everyone.


Louis LeBlanc
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
http://acadia.ne.mediaone.net                ԿԬ

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