I think all you need to do is define the distribution lists
you subscribe to in your .muttrc file like this:
And, when you reply to a message on this list, use 'L' [that's
capital L, so shift key and 'l']. This will set your
Mail-Followup-To header correctly, at least it does for me.
You may also need to set the followup_to option in your
.muttrc file...
set followup_to
I don't have it set and it appears to work, so you should play
with it.
Thusly Thwacked By Jeroen Valcke:
> On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 07:44:06AM -0400, Mr. Wade wrote:
> > Please fix your "Mail-Followup-To:" header.
> Oke, several people on this list complained about my Mail-Followup-To
> header not being correct. I really want to fix this since I don't want to
> annoy anybody with this. But I was wondering this Mail-Followup-To header
> is this set by the MTA, Exim in my case? Or should it be set by the Mailer
> MUA, mutt in my case or occasionally Netscape.
> Also I can never find this Mail-Followup-To header in any mail message on
> this list. I type the 'h' key to investigate the headers but I never see
> this famous Mail-Followup-To header!
> I also noticed that when I 'g'reply to my own messages that the
> mail-address is filled correctly.
> Thanks
> -Jeroen-