On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 05:19:45PM +0200, Petri Kelottijaervi wrote:
> I just wanted to notify at least you guys (I'm not a member of
> mutt-dev so I don't post there) that since HTML mail is so difficult,
> I'm probably just going to write a HTML code stripper (only caring
> about <br> and such *necessities*) in some sort of patch form. Wish
> me luck.
> And - don't do as some did in the SMTP thread, don't read in words I
> never typed just *because* I mentioned HTML. I do not want a new
> Communicator, just a way to read *and* reply sanely. :)

Forgive me if I'm wrong about your intentions here, but you can
achieve what I think you want to achieve by having:

  auto_view text/html

in your .muttrc and

  text/html; vilistextum -clr %s -; copiousoutput

in your .mailcap.  This is what I have and when I view HTML email it
gets ASCIIized pretty darn quick by vilistextum for inline viewing,
and when I reply it includes the ASCIIized text quoted in a simple
text/plain message.

Vilistextum is available from


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