Hello Adam!
On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 04:22:08AM -0400, adam morley wrote:
> when i set a list to lists <listname> in my muttrc file, it recognizes
> the list. but when i say im subscribed to it, the pager (i think
> thats what its called, the thing where all the messages are display)
> shows the to line, not the from line.
> how do i change this? thanks.
Had that problem, too, for long time.
You have to change the index_format. Standard is
set index_format "%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s" in the .muttrc
Just change %-15.15L to %-15.15F. So you will always see the author's
name in the index (pager is something different).
For more details on changing the index-format, please take a look at
section 6.3.73. of the mutt-help-page.
Best regards,
.''`. ---------------------------------------------------
: :' : [Arvid Warnecke] [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
`. `' [ICQ 55906559] [05323-715724] [ www.mad-hatter.de ]
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