On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 03:19:16PM +0200, Arnaud S . Launay wrote:
> I want to have something like that:
> mailboxes ! \
> +amazon \
> #+announces \
> +arrivees
> in order to add/and delete viewing folders, with them classified
> by alpha order.
> problem is, parsing mailboxes stops after "amazon", so "arrivees"
> isn't shown.

Well, '#' is a comment through the end of the line. You've commented off
your line-continuation character ( \ ) and therefore, as far as the
parser is concerned, +amazon is the last entry on the line.

> seems like a problem with \ and # parsing...

Nope, it's working the way it should. Comments are stripped first. This
is true of just about every programming / configuration language in the
world. I say "just about" because someone will probably point to one
that doesn't work this way, but it would be the odd exception.

> any workaround (other than putting every # folders at the end of
> the list, of course) or bug correction ?


mailboxes +amazon
#mailboxes +announces
mailboxes +arrivees


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