I don't know if that's possible.  It guess mutt would need to set some
kind of local variable to use later in that command and then discard.
I was thinking about something similar recently.  I normally save my
mail in individual files depending on the user (set force_name=yes),
but for mailing lists I would like to save them in a file for that
particular mailing list.  The kind of rule I thought of was like:

  save-hook ~l +$list

where $list was the known mailing list that caused ~l to be true when
the hook was called.  In the case of a message being posted on
multiple known mailing lists then it could save to multiple files,
which I guess would mean extending save to be able to save to multiple
files and save-hook to accept multiple filename arguments.


On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 06:45:32PM -0400, Sam Roberts wrote:
> What I want is for $record to be set to my current folder. So
> when I'm in my mbox, all fcc's go into my mbox, but when I'm
> in =mutt-users, fcc's go into =mutt-users, etc., etc.
> I need something like
>  folder-hook .* set record=??
> Where ?? can be what?
> Is there any way I can specify the name of the folder that folder-hook
> matched in it's associated actions?
> -- 
> Sam Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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