
The umask in my shell is set to 022, meaning that any files created
should have permissions 644 (or 755 if executable) by default.
However this isn't happening with mutt.  I just did an strace on mutt
and it shows that mutt is setting its own umask of 077 (the result of
the umask call is the old umask):

time(NULL)                              = 988818808
umask(077)                              = 022
ioctl(0, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 0

Is there any way to tell mutt to use a different umask?


On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 11:00:04AM -0400, Sam Roberts wrote:
> mutt's umask is inherited from the environment that started mutt.
> In other words, its using your umask, so change your umask (umask 06).
> If you just want mutt's umask to be different, write a script to start
> mutt that sets the umask then execs mutt.
> --- umutt ---
> #!/bin/sh
> umask 06
> exec mutt $*
> -------------
> Sam
> Quoting Mark Sheppard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, who wrote:
> > How do I set the file permissions for my saved mail?  I've looked
> > through the documentation and can't find any setting for this (there's
> > nothing mentioning "umask", "perm" or "mode").  When mail gets saved
> > it creates files with 600 permissions whereas I want 660.
> -- 
> Sam Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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