On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 10:27:05AM -0400, Sam Roberts wrote:
> Quoting Rod Pike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, who wrote:
> > Maybe I don't really have mail set up properly on my network and this is
> > simpler than I think.  I can't really do any of the previously mentioned
> > solutions anyway because I am using IMAP and it's not that simple to
> > reconfigure sendmail and restart it remotely (or is it?).  
> I'm confused, you seem to be mixing IMAP and SMTP up here. Sendmail is
> an SMTP server and a delivery agent, it is not an IMAP server. IMAP
> is usually used to READ mail, and SMTP is always used to SEND mail.
> > I use an IMAP server on my local network where I download all my mail
> > to.  Sendmail on all my clients is configured to send mail to my IMAP
> > server.
> I don't think so. What kind of IMAP server do you have that supports
> SMTP?  Alternately, what kind of sendmail do you have that supports IMAP?
> > My IMAP server has a SMART_HOST directive to deliver outbound
> > mail to my ISP mail server.  My IMAP server is set up to masquerade
> > using my ISP's domain.  The consequence is that any set envelope_from
> > directive in my .muttrc becomes moot.  Maybe I shouldn't be doing it
> > this way?  I also use this same server for routing mail via SMTP from
> > Windows 98 clients using Netscape or Outlook/Express so I'm not just
> > limited to a mutt environment.
> -- 
> Sam Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry if I'm confusing things.  You are right, this really has nothing
to do with IMAP.  I'm just refering to the one computer which handles
mail in my network.  It runs IMAP so that I can access my mail from
other computers so I refer to it as an "IMAP server".  I only wanted to
point out that my mail is being handled remotely.  I am refering to how
Sendmail is configured on the same computer (the one running imapd)  


Rod Pike
rodneyp @ utanet.at

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