* Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Mon, 30 Apr 2001 23:24:19 -0400]
-> On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 07:57:54AM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
-> > * Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Mon, 30 Apr 2001 21:28:09 -0400]:
-> > -> I added the following lines to my .muttrc:
-> > -> set spoolfile={bignachos.com}INBOX
-> > -> set mbox={bignachos.com}~/Mail/mbox
-> > s/mbox/record/
-> Are you referring to saving messages with the s key? That's not what
-> I'm looking for.
No. I meant set record={bignachos.com}mbox
-> What I mean is that I want to be prompted with something like:
-> Move read messages to ~/Mail/mbox? ([no]/yes):
Oh sorry. I didnt get you initially.
set move=yes
set mbox="=mbox"
# Defining where all my mailfolders are located. When refering to this folders
# in this directory '=' can be used, it'll expand to this directory.
set folder="{bignachos.com}~/Mail/mbox
Then also use mbox-hook [!]pattern mailbox
-> when I leave my Inbox folder, like what happens when I read my mail
-> locally. As is, mutt doesn't prompt me when I'm using IMAP. I'm
-> wondering if this is an issue with IMAP?
Try quoting the value of $mbox