I've got two different IMAP servers I use, one for work and one for
Moreover, there's other configuration stuff I have set differently for
work and home, but I like to switch between them, so I have two files
set up: .muttrc-work and .muttrc-home, which I can source by hitting
<F2> and <F3>. So far so good.
Unfortunately, there doesn't weem to be a way to pare down the list of
mailboxes where I receive mail: when I'm in work mode, I want to see new
mail in only those mailboxes, and when I'm at home, I want to see new
mail only in those boxes. The obvious solution would be to clear the
list of mailboxes and then reset it correctly, but there doesn't seem to
be any way to do this.
I'm running the Mutt 1.2.5 provided by Red Hat 7.1, but am willing to
build a different version if necessary. (Heck, I've been using Mutt
since something like 0.44, so I'm perfectly happy with a devel version,
but I saw nothing in the 1.3.17 docs to indicate that this would
Jon Lasser
Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 410-558-2787 jon_lasser on Yahoo! IM
Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 410-659-5333 http://www.tux.org/~lasser/
Buy my book, _Think_Unix_! http://www.tux.org/~lasser/think-unix/
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