OK, this is getting silly, so it's time to break down and ask for
some help. This isn't a question about mutt per se, but more of how
mutt parses its configuration files. This is the score command I have
right now that is generating an error:
score ~s" " =0
The plain English translation of the above line is "Any message with
3 consecutive spaces in it, score it zero". This is the error:
Error in /home/john/.mutt/rc.score, line 3: missing parameter
I can tell, in an abstract sense, what causes that error. However,
I've tried all the following:
score ~s" " =0
score ~s\" \" =0
score ~s' ' =0
score ~s\' \' =0
score ~s\ \ \ =0
All of the above either give me "too many parameters" or "missing
parameter" errors. How can you specify this?
Question #2: What is a message's default score, if no scoring matches
Also, I'll let this be my every-3-months-or-so plea for the
functionality "uncolor body" and "uncolor header". :)
John Buttery
The amount of intelligence in the universe is constant.
Unfortunately, the population keeps increasing.
Arthur C. Clarke
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