slackware forever

On Tue 24 Apr 2001, Mr. Wade wrote:
> Daniel Nielsen wrote:
> > Oki, this might seem "newbie"ish... but where and how do you view your
> > current consolefont / change it????
> I will have to admit ignorance here, but what I am about to
> describe might be distribution-specific; I don't know, but...
> I use Slackware Linux; there is a "setfont" command that does the
> job of setting the console screen font.  It is part of the kbd
> package.  That package also has a "fontconfig" script that will
> setup the default font for the system, but should be run as root,
> of course.
> Also, /usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts is the default font directory.
> I find a great number of fonts in there, (in excess of 150.)
> I use:
>         $ setfont -v lat4a-16+.psfu.gz
> I like that font because it's clear and large, making it easy to
> read, (for me).
> Good luck!
>         -- Mr. Wade
> -- 
> Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

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