On Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 11:23:53AM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Using a large mallet, Matthias Krings whacked out:
> > Because I have to pay for my internet connection from home, I want to
> > disconnect the IMAP-connection when I write a longer mail etc. Is it
> > possible to force mutt to disconnect?
> Instead, use fetchmail to bring down your mails to the local box (with keep
> option set if you want to leave messages on the server). Then dialup to send
> out your mails _after_ composing everything
Thanks for your answer!
Unfortunately that is not what I want to do, because I get often mails with
longer attachments, which I do not want to download home. I hoped that I had
a realy easy problem, which is quite easy to solve. But it does not seem so,
because other people could not help me either.