Dave Murray wrote:
> Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote on mutt-users:
> >  Something is fubarred with the permissions of /var/spool/mail I
> >  expect.  Try chmod 777 /var/spool/mail, chmod +t /var/spool/mail
> > 
> >  And have something listening on port 25 unless you use procmail as
> >  your mda ("/usr/bin/procmail -d %T" should do very nicely)
> Thank you, that fixed it but now my mail goes to /var/spool/mail/me
> where it was spooling to ~/Mail/inbox.  My other folders are in
> ~/Mail/somenames.  Is there a convenient way to get the new mail
> in /var/spool/mail/me to ~/Mail/inbox ?
> Regards and thanks again,
> Dave

This is somewhat off-topic; where your mail is delivered is the
job of the mail delivery agent (MDA) and not that of the mail
user agent (MUA).  For example, if you are using procmail as the
MDA, as I am, then if you specify a value for $DEFAULT in your
~/.procmailrc file, then any mail that "falls off the end" of the
rcfile will be delivered to $DEFAULT.  Is that what you

        -- Mr. Wade

Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

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