On 04/12/01, 05:22:21PM -0400, Mike Broome wrote:
> I've found that piping the message out to cat (eg. "|cat") or more
> (eg. "|more") does the trick for me. This will dump the entire
> message, including header, MIME separators, unrecognized (to mutt)
> attachments.
> Toggling header mode ("h") will let you see all the headers in the
> mutt pager, but it won't show you the entire e-mail as "raw" since it
> still parser MIME. Editing the messages ("e") doesn't show you all the
> headers (at least, not in v1.2.4i that I'm running).
Depends on the editor, perhaps. With vim 5.7 all headers are visible.
> Mike
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 11:32:00AM +0200, Tobias Schenk wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I was wondering how one can display any mail in it's pure, raw format within Mutt.
>So as to get the same result than if I would load the mbox file into an editor and
>look at a particular message.
> >
> > Did I miss how to do it in the docs? Thank you.
> >
> > Toby
> --
> Mike Broome
> mbroome(at)employees.org
John P. Verel
Norwalk, CT